Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I moved four months ago,

I moved four months ago,
and I listen to music in my place,
Sometimes loud sometimes not.
And sometimes in the night when I have company, very silent...

One day,
I am sitting home, and a letter is thrown through my door,
Lost the paper,
saying stuff like – in Finnish, btw..


We have had enough from your music terror.
Day and night we do not want to hear your music.
We have gone to the housing manager, and want a immediate solution.
Read the rules!!
Your music can be heard from the other side of the building!!!
And much more without signature.


I got so pissed that day,
- If you have a problem, come knock my door like bloody civilized people
- If you wait that long to complain, of course you will get angry... Not my problem, its your incompetence
- Sign the fvcking complaint
- And how shall I know when you got disturbed... Did I eat Nostradamus's shit?
- After ten there is no loud music in my place except maybe one or two Saturdays in a month and that is also one or two songs... Tolerance to noise. I tolerate so many things here.
- Be a human and use your bloody tongue that god had the courtesy to give you. that is why you have the ears, to learn to speak

So, I just wrote this paper, and put it into the apartment entrance.

Just waiting for the day to have loud music again, and want to see if there is anybody coming with a complaint. Really, then the solution is easy, without either part getting pissed off.


Yesterday I got this complaint thrown through my door.
Neither is the language appropriate, nor the method.
Next time, if I happen to disturb you with my music,
Please come and tell it to me on the occasion,

-I did not know that walls/doors were so thin
-I did not know that there was somebody this much disturbed from my music

And with a written paper like this,

- I will not know when the music was too loud
- I will not know how loud is too loud
- I will not know who I disturbed
- I will not know at what time, which volume is appropriate

So, please, next time you get disturbed by me; unlike this inappropriate way of communication,
I beg you to come and ring my door,
Like civilized people, we can have a chat; you can tell me your complaint,
And we can easily come to an agreement,


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